


Did you know that 90% of purchases take place in physical stores and 80% of US disposable income is spent within 20 miles of home?

Having a solid local SEO strategy is the first step to put you on the map.

New to this form of marketing? start with these two highly popular courses:

Selling Online Like a Pro Webinar (1 HR)

Selling SEO to local businesses isn’t rocket science, but it’s not exactly a walk in the park either. Even our partners’ most seasoned sales teams have their challenges: no defined sales processes, lack of tools or sales training, and a lack of prep before a sales meeting that can cost them business.

The PPC Boost – How to Get the Most for Your Buck (1 HR)

PPC does not have to be expensive if you know how to control spending, so you don’t have to spend more than your budget allows.

Learn about case studies and live examples on the use of PPC.

Stay secure with a free NOD32 Antivirus license (1 Year, 1 PC)

Get this online or on a DVD

* 1 NOD32 license per customer